* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\DataCollector; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DataCollector; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\LateDataCollectorInterface; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Debug\TraceableSerializer; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Data; /** * @author Mathias Arlaud * * @final */ class SerializerDataCollector extends DataCollector implements LateDataCollectorInterface { private array $collected = []; public function reset(): void { $this->data = []; $this->collected = []; } public function collect(Request $request, Response $response, ?\Throwable $exception = null): void { // Everything is collected during the request, and formatted on kernel terminate. } public function getName(): string { return 'serializer'; } public function getData(): Data|array { return $this->data; } public function getHandledCount(): int { return array_sum(array_map('count', $this->data)); } public function getTotalTime(): float { $totalTime = 0; foreach ($this->data as $handled) { $totalTime += array_sum(array_map(fn (array $el): float => $el['time'], $handled)); } return $totalTime; } public function collectSerialize(string $traceId, mixed $data, string $format, array $context, float $time, array $caller): void { unset($context[TraceableSerializer::DEBUG_TRACE_ID]); $this->collected[$traceId] = array_merge( $this->collected[$traceId] ?? [], compact('data', 'format', 'context', 'time', 'caller'), ['method' => 'serialize'], ); } public function collectDeserialize(string $traceId, mixed $data, string $type, string $format, array $context, float $time, array $caller): void { unset($context[TraceableSerializer::DEBUG_TRACE_ID]); $this->collected[$traceId] = array_merge( $this->collected[$traceId] ?? [], compact('data', 'format', 'type', 'context', 'time', 'caller'), ['method' => 'deserialize'], ); } public function collectNormalize(string $traceId, mixed $data, ?string $format, array $context, float $time, array $caller): void { unset($context[TraceableSerializer::DEBUG_TRACE_ID]); $this->collected[$traceId] = array_merge( $this->collected[$traceId] ?? [], compact('data', 'format', 'context', 'time', 'caller'), ['method' => 'normalize'], ); } public function collectDenormalize(string $traceId, mixed $data, string $type, ?string $format, array $context, float $time, array $caller): void { unset($context[TraceableSerializer::DEBUG_TRACE_ID]); $this->collected[$traceId] = array_merge( $this->collected[$traceId] ?? [], compact('data', 'format', 'type', 'context', 'time', 'caller'), ['method' => 'denormalize'], ); } public function collectEncode(string $traceId, mixed $data, ?string $format, array $context, float $time, array $caller): void { unset($context[TraceableSerializer::DEBUG_TRACE_ID]); $this->collected[$traceId] = array_merge( $this->collected[$traceId] ?? [], compact('data', 'format', 'context', 'time', 'caller'), ['method' => 'encode'], ); } public function collectDecode(string $traceId, mixed $data, ?string $format, array $context, float $time, array $caller): void { unset($context[TraceableSerializer::DEBUG_TRACE_ID]); $this->collected[$traceId] = array_merge( $this->collected[$traceId] ?? [], compact('data', 'format', 'context', 'time', 'caller'), ['method' => 'decode'], ); } public function collectNormalization(string $traceId, string $normalizer, float $time): void { $method = 'normalize'; $this->collected[$traceId]['normalization'][] = compact('normalizer', 'method', 'time'); } public function collectDenormalization(string $traceId, string $normalizer, float $time): void { $method = 'denormalize'; $this->collected[$traceId]['normalization'][] = compact('normalizer', 'method', 'time'); } public function collectEncoding(string $traceId, string $encoder, float $time): void { $method = 'encode'; $this->collected[$traceId]['encoding'][] = compact('encoder', 'method', 'time'); } public function collectDecoding(string $traceId, string $encoder, float $time): void { $method = 'decode'; $this->collected[$traceId]['encoding'][] = compact('encoder', 'method', 'time'); } public function lateCollect(): void { $this->data = [ 'serialize' => [], 'deserialize' => [], 'normalize' => [], 'denormalize' => [], 'encode' => [], 'decode' => [], ]; foreach ($this->collected as $collected) { if (!isset($collected['data'])) { continue; } $data = [ 'data' => $this->cloneVar($collected['data']), 'dataType' => get_debug_type($collected['data']), 'type' => $collected['type'] ?? null, 'format' => $collected['format'], 'time' => $collected['time'], 'context' => $this->cloneVar($collected['context']), 'normalization' => [], 'encoding' => [], 'caller' => $collected['caller'] ?? null, ]; if (isset($collected['normalization'])) { $mainNormalization = array_pop($collected['normalization']); $data['normalizer'] = ['time' => $mainNormalization['time']] + $this->getMethodLocation($mainNormalization['normalizer'], $mainNormalization['method']); foreach ($collected['normalization'] as $normalization) { if (!isset($data['normalization'][$normalization['normalizer']])) { $data['normalization'][$normalization['normalizer']] = ['time' => 0, 'calls' => 0] + $this->getMethodLocation($normalization['normalizer'], $normalization['method']); } ++$data['normalization'][$normalization['normalizer']]['calls']; $data['normalization'][$normalization['normalizer']]['time'] += $normalization['time']; } } if (isset($collected['encoding'])) { $mainEncoding = array_pop($collected['encoding']); $data['encoder'] = ['time' => $mainEncoding['time']] + $this->getMethodLocation($mainEncoding['encoder'], $mainEncoding['method']); foreach ($collected['encoding'] as $encoding) { if (!isset($data['encoding'][$encoding['encoder']])) { $data['encoding'][$encoding['encoder']] = ['time' => 0, 'calls' => 0] + $this->getMethodLocation($encoding['encoder'], $encoding['method']); } ++$data['encoding'][$encoding['encoder']]['calls']; $data['encoding'][$encoding['encoder']]['time'] += $encoding['time']; } } $this->data[$collected['method']][] = $data; } } private function getMethodLocation(string $class, string $method): array { $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class); return [ 'class' => $reflection->getShortName(), 'file' => $reflection->getFileName(), 'line' => $reflection->getMethod($method)->getStartLine(), ]; } }