<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\CacheException; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller\DefaultMarshaller; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller\MarshallerInterface; /** * @author Rob Frawley 2nd <rmf@src.run> * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> */ class MemcachedAdapter extends AbstractAdapter { /** * We are replacing characters that are illegal in Memcached keys with reserved characters from * {@see \Symfony\Contracts\Cache\ItemInterface::RESERVED_CHARACTERS} that are legal in Memcached. * Note: don’t use {@see AbstractAdapter::NS_SEPARATOR}. */ private const RESERVED_MEMCACHED = " \n\r\t\v\f\0"; private const RESERVED_PSR6 = '@()\{}/'; private const MAX_KEY_LENGTH = 250; private MarshallerInterface $marshaller; private \Memcached $client; private \Memcached $lazyClient; /** * Using a MemcachedAdapter with a TagAwareAdapter for storing tags is discouraged. * Using a RedisAdapter is recommended instead. If you cannot do otherwise, be aware that: * - the Memcached::OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL must be enabled * (that's the default when using MemcachedAdapter::createConnection()); * - tags eviction by Memcached's LRU algorithm will break by-tags invalidation; * your Memcached memory should be large enough to never trigger LRU. * * Using a MemcachedAdapter as a pure items store is fine. */ public function __construct(\Memcached $client, string $namespace = '', int $defaultLifetime = 0, ?MarshallerInterface $marshaller = null) { if (!static::isSupported()) { throw new CacheException('Memcached > 3.1.5 is required.'); } $this->maxIdLength = self::MAX_KEY_LENGTH; if ('Memcached' === $client::class) { $opt = $client->getOption(\Memcached::OPT_SERIALIZER); if (\Memcached::SERIALIZER_PHP !== $opt && \Memcached::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY !== $opt) { throw new CacheException('MemcachedAdapter: "serializer" option must be "php" or "igbinary".'); } $this->maxIdLength -= \strlen($client->getOption(\Memcached::OPT_PREFIX_KEY)); $this->client = $client; } else { $this->lazyClient = $client; } parent::__construct($namespace, $defaultLifetime); $this->enableVersioning(); $this->marshaller = $marshaller ?? new DefaultMarshaller(); } public static function isSupported(): bool { return \extension_loaded('memcached') && version_compare(phpversion('memcached'), '3.1.6', '>='); } /** * Creates a Memcached instance. * * By default, the binary protocol, no block, and libketama compatible options are enabled. * * Examples for servers: * - 'memcached://user:pass@localhost?weight=33' * - [['localhost', 11211, 33]] * * @param array[]|string|string[] $servers An array of servers, a DSN, or an array of DSNs * * @throws \ErrorException When invalid options or servers are provided */ public static function createConnection(#[\SensitiveParameter] array|string $servers, array $options = []): \Memcached { if (\is_string($servers)) { $servers = [$servers]; } if (!static::isSupported()) { throw new CacheException('Memcached > 3.1.5 is required.'); } set_error_handler(static fn ($type, $msg, $file, $line) => throw new \ErrorException($msg, 0, $type, $file, $line)); try { $client = new \Memcached($options['persistent_id'] ?? null); $username = $options['username'] ?? null; $password = $options['password'] ?? null; // parse any DSN in $servers foreach ($servers as $i => $dsn) { if (\is_array($dsn)) { continue; } if (!str_starts_with($dsn, 'memcached:')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid Memcached DSN: it does not start with "memcached:".'); } $params = preg_replace_callback('#^memcached:(//)?(?:([^@]*+)@)?#', function ($m) use (&$username, &$password) { if (!empty($m[2])) { [$username, $password] = explode(':', $m[2], 2) + [1 => null]; $username = rawurldecode($username); $password = null !== $password ? rawurldecode($password) : null; } return 'file:'.($m[1] ?? ''); }, $dsn); if (false === $params = parse_url($params)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid Memcached DSN.'); } $query = $hosts = []; if (isset($params['query'])) { parse_str($params['query'], $query); if (isset($query['host'])) { if (!\is_array($hosts = $query['host'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid Memcached DSN: query parameter "host" must be an array.'); } foreach ($hosts as $host => $weight) { if (false === $port = strrpos($host, ':')) { $hosts[$host] = [$host, 11211, (int) $weight]; } else { $hosts[$host] = [substr($host, 0, $port), (int) substr($host, 1 + $port), (int) $weight]; } } $hosts = array_values($hosts); unset($query['host']); } if ($hosts && !isset($params['host']) && !isset($params['path'])) { unset($servers[$i]); $servers = array_merge($servers, $hosts); continue; } } if (!isset($params['host']) && !isset($params['path'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid Memcached DSN: missing host or path.'); } if (isset($params['path']) && preg_match('#/(\d+)$#', $params['path'], $m)) { $params['weight'] = $m[1]; $params['path'] = substr($params['path'], 0, -\strlen($m[0])); } $params += [ 'host' => $params['host'] ?? $params['path'], 'port' => isset($params['host']) ? 11211 : null, 'weight' => 0, ]; if ($query) { $params += $query; $options = $query + $options; } $servers[$i] = [$params['host'], $params['port'], $params['weight']]; if ($hosts) { $servers = array_merge($servers, $hosts); } } // set client's options unset($options['persistent_id'], $options['username'], $options['password'], $options['weight'], $options['lazy']); $options = array_change_key_case($options, \CASE_UPPER); $client->setOption(\Memcached::OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL, true); $client->setOption(\Memcached::OPT_NO_BLOCK, true); $client->setOption(\Memcached::OPT_TCP_NODELAY, true); if (!\array_key_exists('LIBKETAMA_COMPATIBLE', $options) && !\array_key_exists(\Memcached::OPT_LIBKETAMA_COMPATIBLE, $options)) { $client->setOption(\Memcached::OPT_LIBKETAMA_COMPATIBLE, true); } foreach ($options as $name => $value) { if (\is_int($name)) { continue; } if ('HASH' === $name || 'SERIALIZER' === $name || 'DISTRIBUTION' === $name) { $value = \constant('Memcached::'.$name.'_'.strtoupper($value)); } unset($options[$name]); if (\defined('Memcached::OPT_'.$name)) { $options[\constant('Memcached::OPT_'.$name)] = $value; } } $client->setOptions($options + [\Memcached::OPT_SERIALIZER => \Memcached::SERIALIZER_PHP]); // set client's servers, taking care of persistent connections if (!$client->isPristine()) { $oldServers = []; foreach ($client->getServerList() as $server) { $oldServers[] = [$server['host'], $server['port']]; } $newServers = []; foreach ($servers as $server) { if (1 < \count($server)) { $server = array_values($server); unset($server[2]); $server[1] = (int) $server[1]; } $newServers[] = $server; } if ($oldServers !== $newServers) { $client->resetServerList(); $client->addServers($servers); } } else { $client->addServers($servers); } if (null !== $username || null !== $password) { if (!method_exists($client, 'setSaslAuthData')) { trigger_error('Missing SASL support: the memcached extension must be compiled with --enable-memcached-sasl.'); } $client->setSaslAuthData($username, $password); } return $client; } finally { restore_error_handler(); } } protected function doSave(array $values, int $lifetime): array|bool { if (!$values = $this->marshaller->marshall($values, $failed)) { return $failed; } if ($lifetime && $lifetime > 30 * 86400) { $lifetime += time(); } $encodedValues = []; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $encodedValues[self::encodeKey($key)] = $value; } return $this->checkResultCode($this->getClient()->setMulti($encodedValues, $lifetime)) ? $failed : false; } protected function doFetch(array $ids): iterable { try { $encodedIds = array_map([__CLASS__, 'encodeKey'], $ids); $encodedResult = $this->checkResultCode($this->getClient()->getMulti($encodedIds)); $result = []; foreach ($encodedResult as $key => $value) { $result[self::decodeKey($key)] = $this->marshaller->unmarshall($value); } return $result; } catch (\Error $e) { throw new \ErrorException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), \E_ERROR, $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()); } } protected function doHave(string $id): bool { return false !== $this->getClient()->get(self::encodeKey($id)) || $this->checkResultCode(\Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->client->getResultCode()); } protected function doDelete(array $ids): bool { $ok = true; $encodedIds = array_map([__CLASS__, 'encodeKey'], $ids); foreach ($this->checkResultCode($this->getClient()->deleteMulti($encodedIds)) as $result) { if (\Memcached::RES_SUCCESS !== $result && \Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND !== $result) { $ok = false; } } return $ok; } protected function doClear(string $namespace): bool { return '' === $namespace && $this->getClient()->flush(); } private function checkResultCode(mixed $result): mixed { $code = $this->client->getResultCode(); if (\Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $code || \Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND === $code) { return $result; } throw new CacheException('MemcachedAdapter client error: '.strtolower($this->client->getResultMessage())); } private function getClient(): \Memcached { if (isset($this->client)) { return $this->client; } $opt = $this->lazyClient->getOption(\Memcached::OPT_SERIALIZER); if (\Memcached::SERIALIZER_PHP !== $opt && \Memcached::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY !== $opt) { throw new CacheException('MemcachedAdapter: "serializer" option must be "php" or "igbinary".'); } if ('' !== $prefix = (string) $this->lazyClient->getOption(\Memcached::OPT_PREFIX_KEY)) { throw new CacheException(sprintf('MemcachedAdapter: "prefix_key" option must be empty when using proxified connections, "%s" given.', $prefix)); } return $this->client = $this->lazyClient; } private static function encodeKey(string $key): string { return strtr($key, self::RESERVED_MEMCACHED, self::RESERVED_PSR6); } private static function decodeKey(string $key): string { return strtr($key, self::RESERVED_PSR6, self::RESERVED_MEMCACHED); } }