* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\ChainDecoder; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\ChainEncoder; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\ContextAwareDecoderInterface; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\ContextAwareEncoderInterface; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\DecoderInterface; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\EncoderInterface; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\LogicException; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\NotNormalizableValueException; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\PartialDenormalizationException; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\AbstractObjectNormalizer; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DenormalizerAwareInterface; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DenormalizerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerAwareInterface; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface; /** * Serializer serializes and deserializes data. * * objects are turned into arrays by normalizers. * arrays are turned into various output formats by encoders. * * $serializer->serialize($obj, 'xml') * $serializer->decode($data, 'xml') * $serializer->denormalize($data, 'Class', 'xml') * * @author Jordi Boggiano * @author Johannes M. Schmitt * @author Lukas Kahwe Smith * @author Kévin Dunglas */ class Serializer implements SerializerInterface, NormalizerInterface, DenormalizerInterface, ContextAwareEncoderInterface, ContextAwareDecoderInterface { /** * Flag to control whether an empty array should be transformed to an * object (in JSON: {}) or to a list (in JSON: []). */ public const EMPTY_ARRAY_AS_OBJECT = 'empty_array_as_object'; private const SCALAR_TYPES = [ 'int' => true, 'bool' => true, 'float' => true, 'string' => true, ]; protected ChainEncoder $encoder; protected ChainDecoder $decoder; /** * @var array>> */ private array $denormalizerCache = []; /** * @var array>> */ private array $normalizerCache = []; /** * @param array $normalizers * @param array $encoders */ public function __construct( private array $normalizers = [], array $encoders = [], ) { foreach ($normalizers as $normalizer) { if ($normalizer instanceof SerializerAwareInterface) { $normalizer->setSerializer($this); } if ($normalizer instanceof DenormalizerAwareInterface) { $normalizer->setDenormalizer($this); } if ($normalizer instanceof NormalizerAwareInterface) { $normalizer->setNormalizer($this); } if (!($normalizer instanceof NormalizerInterface || $normalizer instanceof DenormalizerInterface)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The class "%s" neither implements "%s" nor "%s".', get_debug_type($normalizer), NormalizerInterface::class, DenormalizerInterface::class)); } } $decoders = []; $realEncoders = []; foreach ($encoders as $encoder) { if ($encoder instanceof SerializerAwareInterface) { $encoder->setSerializer($this); } if ($encoder instanceof DecoderInterface) { $decoders[] = $encoder; } if ($encoder instanceof EncoderInterface) { $realEncoders[] = $encoder; } if (!($encoder instanceof EncoderInterface || $encoder instanceof DecoderInterface)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The class "%s" neither implements "%s" nor "%s".', get_debug_type($encoder), EncoderInterface::class, DecoderInterface::class)); } } $this->encoder = new ChainEncoder($realEncoders); $this->decoder = new ChainDecoder($decoders); } final public function serialize(mixed $data, string $format, array $context = []): string { if (!$this->supportsEncoding($format, $context)) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException(sprintf('Serialization for the format "%s" is not supported.', $format)); } if ($this->encoder->needsNormalization($format, $context)) { $data = $this->normalize($data, $format, $context); } return $this->encode($data, $format, $context); } final public function deserialize(mixed $data, string $type, string $format, array $context = []): mixed { if (!$this->supportsDecoding($format, $context)) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException(sprintf('Deserialization for the format "%s" is not supported.', $format)); } $data = $this->decode($data, $format, $context); return $this->denormalize($data, $type, $format, $context); } public function normalize(mixed $data, ?string $format = null, array $context = []): array|string|int|float|bool|\ArrayObject|null { // If a normalizer supports the given data, use it if ($normalizer = $this->getNormalizer($data, $format, $context)) { return $normalizer->normalize($data, $format, $context); } if (null === $data || \is_scalar($data)) { return $data; } if (\is_array($data) && !$data && ($context[self::EMPTY_ARRAY_AS_OBJECT] ?? false)) { return new \ArrayObject(); } if (is_iterable($data)) { if ($data instanceof \Countable && ($context[AbstractObjectNormalizer::PRESERVE_EMPTY_OBJECTS] ?? false) && !\count($data)) { return new \ArrayObject(); } $normalized = []; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $normalized[$key] = $this->normalize($val, $format, $context); } return $normalized; } if (\is_object($data)) { if (!$this->normalizers) { throw new LogicException('You must register at least one normalizer to be able to normalize objects.'); } throw new NotNormalizableValueException(sprintf('Could not normalize object of type "%s", no supporting normalizer found.', get_debug_type($data))); } throw new NotNormalizableValueException('An unexpected value could not be normalized: '.(!\is_resource($data) ? var_export($data, true) : sprintf('"%s" resource', get_resource_type($data)))); } /** * @throws NotNormalizableValueException * @throws PartialDenormalizationException Occurs when one or more properties of $type fails to denormalize */ public function denormalize(mixed $data, string $type, ?string $format = null, array $context = []): mixed { if (isset($context[DenormalizerInterface::COLLECT_DENORMALIZATION_ERRORS], $context['not_normalizable_value_exceptions'])) { throw new LogicException('Passing a value for "not_normalizable_value_exceptions" context key is not allowed.'); } $normalizer = $this->getDenormalizer($data, $type, $format, $context); // Check for a denormalizer first, e.g. the data is wrapped if (!$normalizer && isset(self::SCALAR_TYPES[$type])) { if (!('is_'.$type)($data)) { throw NotNormalizableValueException::createForUnexpectedDataType(sprintf('Data expected to be of type "%s" ("%s" given).', $type, get_debug_type($data)), $data, [$type], $context['deserialization_path'] ?? null, true); } return $data; } if (!$this->normalizers) { throw new LogicException('You must register at least one normalizer to be able to denormalize objects.'); } if (!$normalizer) { throw new NotNormalizableValueException(sprintf('Could not denormalize object of type "%s", no supporting normalizer found.', $type)); } if (isset($context[DenormalizerInterface::COLLECT_DENORMALIZATION_ERRORS])) { unset($context[DenormalizerInterface::COLLECT_DENORMALIZATION_ERRORS]); $context['not_normalizable_value_exceptions'] = []; $errors = &$context['not_normalizable_value_exceptions']; $denormalized = $normalizer->denormalize($data, $type, $format, $context); if ($errors) { // merge errors so that one path has only one error $uniqueErrors = []; foreach ($errors as $error) { if (null === $error->getPath()) { $uniqueErrors[] = $error; continue; } $uniqueErrors[$error->getPath()] = $uniqueErrors[$error->getPath()] ?? $error; } throw new PartialDenormalizationException($denormalized, array_values($uniqueErrors)); } return $denormalized; } return $normalizer->denormalize($data, $type, $format, $context); } public function getSupportedTypes(?string $format): array { return ['*' => false]; } public function supportsNormalization(mixed $data, ?string $format = null, array $context = []): bool { return null !== $this->getNormalizer($data, $format, $context); } public function supportsDenormalization(mixed $data, string $type, ?string $format = null, array $context = []): bool { return isset(self::SCALAR_TYPES[$type]) || null !== $this->getDenormalizer($data, $type, $format, $context); } /** * Returns a matching normalizer. * * @param mixed $data Data to get the serializer for * @param string|null $format Format name, present to give the option to normalizers to act differently based on formats * @param array $context Options available to the normalizer */ private function getNormalizer(mixed $data, ?string $format, array $context): ?NormalizerInterface { if (\is_object($data)) { $type = $data::class; $genericType = 'object'; } else { $type = 'native-'.\gettype($data); $genericType = '*'; } if (!isset($this->normalizerCache[$format][$type])) { $this->normalizerCache[$format][$type] = []; foreach ($this->normalizers as $k => $normalizer) { if (!$normalizer instanceof NormalizerInterface) { continue; } $supportedTypes = $normalizer->getSupportedTypes($format); foreach ($supportedTypes as $supportedType => $isCacheable) { if (\in_array($supportedType, ['*', 'object'], true) || $type !== $supportedType && ('object' !== $genericType || !is_subclass_of($type, $supportedType)) ) { continue; } if (null === $isCacheable) { unset($supportedTypes['*'], $supportedTypes['object']); } elseif ($this->normalizerCache[$format][$type][$k] = $isCacheable && $normalizer->supportsNormalization($data, $format, $context)) { break 2; } break; } if (null === $isCacheable = $supportedTypes[\array_key_exists($genericType, $supportedTypes) ? $genericType : '*'] ?? null) { continue; } if ($this->normalizerCache[$format][$type][$k] ??= $isCacheable && $normalizer->supportsNormalization($data, $format, $context)) { break; } } } foreach ($this->normalizerCache[$format][$type] as $k => $cached) { $normalizer = $this->normalizers[$k]; if ($cached || $normalizer->supportsNormalization($data, $format, $context)) { return $normalizer; } } return null; } /** * Returns a matching denormalizer. * * @param mixed $data Data to restore * @param string $class The expected class to instantiate * @param string|null $format Format name, present to give the option to normalizers to act differently based on formats * @param array $context Options available to the denormalizer */ private function getDenormalizer(mixed $data, string $class, ?string $format, array $context): ?DenormalizerInterface { if (!isset($this->denormalizerCache[$format][$class])) { $this->denormalizerCache[$format][$class] = []; $genericType = class_exists($class) || interface_exists($class, false) ? 'object' : '*'; foreach ($this->normalizers as $k => $normalizer) { if (!$normalizer instanceof DenormalizerInterface) { continue; } $supportedTypes = $normalizer->getSupportedTypes($format); $doesClassRepresentCollection = str_ends_with($class, '[]'); foreach ($supportedTypes as $supportedType => $isCacheable) { if (\in_array($supportedType, ['*', 'object'], true) || $class !== $supportedType && ('object' !== $genericType || !is_subclass_of($class, $supportedType)) && !($doesClassRepresentCollection && str_ends_with($supportedType, '[]') && is_subclass_of(strstr($class, '[]', true), strstr($supportedType, '[]', true))) ) { continue; } if (null === $isCacheable) { unset($supportedTypes['*'], $supportedTypes['object']); } elseif ($this->denormalizerCache[$format][$class][$k] = $isCacheable && $normalizer->supportsDenormalization(null, $class, $format, $context)) { break 2; } break; } if (null === $isCacheable = $supportedTypes[\array_key_exists($genericType, $supportedTypes) ? $genericType : '*'] ?? null) { continue; } if ($this->denormalizerCache[$format][$class][$k] ??= $isCacheable && $normalizer->supportsDenormalization(null, $class, $format, $context)) { break; } } } foreach ($this->denormalizerCache[$format][$class] as $k => $cached) { $normalizer = $this->normalizers[$k]; if ($cached || $normalizer->supportsDenormalization($data, $class, $format, $context)) { return $normalizer; } } return null; } final public function encode(mixed $data, string $format, array $context = []): string { return $this->encoder->encode($data, $format, $context); } final public function decode(string $data, string $format, array $context = []): mixed { return $this->decoder->decode($data, $format, $context); } public function supportsEncoding(string $format, array $context = []): bool { return $this->encoder->supportsEncoding($format, $context); } public function supportsDecoding(string $format, array $context = []): bool { return $this->decoder->supportsDecoding($format, $context); } }