* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess; use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Psr\Log\NullLogger; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ApcuAdapter; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\NullAdapter; use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\AccessException; use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\InvalidTypeException; use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\NoSuchIndexException; use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\NoSuchPropertyException; use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException; use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\UninitializedPropertyException; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\ReflectionExtractor; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyReadInfo; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyReadInfoExtractorInterface; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyWriteInfo; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyWriteInfoExtractorInterface; /** * Default implementation of {@link PropertyAccessorInterface}. * * @author Bernhard Schussek * @author Kévin Dunglas * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class PropertyAccessor implements PropertyAccessorInterface { /** @var int Allow none of the magic methods */ public const DISALLOW_MAGIC_METHODS = ReflectionExtractor::DISALLOW_MAGIC_METHODS; /** @var int Allow magic __get methods */ public const MAGIC_GET = ReflectionExtractor::ALLOW_MAGIC_GET; /** @var int Allow magic __set methods */ public const MAGIC_SET = ReflectionExtractor::ALLOW_MAGIC_SET; /** @var int Allow magic __call methods */ public const MAGIC_CALL = ReflectionExtractor::ALLOW_MAGIC_CALL; public const DO_NOT_THROW = 0; public const THROW_ON_INVALID_INDEX = 1; public const THROW_ON_INVALID_PROPERTY_PATH = 2; private const VALUE = 0; private const REF = 1; private const IS_REF_CHAINED = 2; private const CACHE_PREFIX_READ = 'r'; private const CACHE_PREFIX_WRITE = 'w'; private const CACHE_PREFIX_PROPERTY_PATH = 'p'; private const RESULT_PROTO = [self::VALUE => null]; private bool $ignoreInvalidIndices; private bool $ignoreInvalidProperty; private ?CacheItemPoolInterface $cacheItemPool; private array $propertyPathCache = []; private PropertyReadInfoExtractorInterface $readInfoExtractor; private PropertyWriteInfoExtractorInterface $writeInfoExtractor; private array $readPropertyCache = []; private array $writePropertyCache = []; /** * Should not be used by application code. Use * {@link PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor()} instead. * * @param int $magicMethods A bitwise combination of the MAGIC_* constants * to specify the allowed magic methods (__get, __set, __call) * or self::DISALLOW_MAGIC_METHODS for none * @param int $throw A bitwise combination of the THROW_* constants * to specify when exceptions should be thrown */ public function __construct( private int $magicMethodsFlags = self::MAGIC_GET | self::MAGIC_SET, int $throw = self::THROW_ON_INVALID_PROPERTY_PATH, ?CacheItemPoolInterface $cacheItemPool = null, ?PropertyReadInfoExtractorInterface $readInfoExtractor = null, ?PropertyWriteInfoExtractorInterface $writeInfoExtractor = null, ) { $this->ignoreInvalidIndices = 0 === ($throw & self::THROW_ON_INVALID_INDEX); $this->cacheItemPool = $cacheItemPool instanceof NullAdapter ? null : $cacheItemPool; // Replace the NullAdapter by the null value $this->ignoreInvalidProperty = 0 === ($throw & self::THROW_ON_INVALID_PROPERTY_PATH); $this->readInfoExtractor = $readInfoExtractor ?? new ReflectionExtractor([], null, null, false); $this->writeInfoExtractor = $writeInfoExtractor ?? new ReflectionExtractor(['set'], null, null, false); } public function getValue(object|array $objectOrArray, string|PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath): mixed { $zval = [ self::VALUE => $objectOrArray, ]; if (\is_object($objectOrArray) && (false === strpbrk((string) $propertyPath, '.[?') || $objectOrArray instanceof \stdClass && property_exists($objectOrArray, $propertyPath))) { return $this->readProperty($zval, $propertyPath, $this->ignoreInvalidProperty)[self::VALUE]; } $propertyPath = $this->getPropertyPath($propertyPath); $propertyValues = $this->readPropertiesUntil($zval, $propertyPath, $propertyPath->getLength(), $this->ignoreInvalidIndices); return $propertyValues[\count($propertyValues) - 1][self::VALUE]; } public function setValue(object|array &$objectOrArray, string|PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath, mixed $value): void { if (\is_object($objectOrArray) && (false === strpbrk((string) $propertyPath, '.[') || $objectOrArray instanceof \stdClass && property_exists($objectOrArray, $propertyPath))) { $zval = [ self::VALUE => $objectOrArray, ]; try { $this->writeProperty($zval, $propertyPath, $value); return; } catch (\TypeError $e) { self::throwInvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage(), $e->getTrace(), 0, $propertyPath, $e); // It wasn't thrown in this class so rethrow it throw $e; } } $propertyPath = $this->getPropertyPath($propertyPath); $zval = [ self::VALUE => $objectOrArray, self::REF => &$objectOrArray, ]; $propertyValues = $this->readPropertiesUntil($zval, $propertyPath, $propertyPath->getLength() - 1); $overwrite = true; try { for ($i = \count($propertyValues) - 1; 0 <= $i; --$i) { $zval = $propertyValues[$i]; unset($propertyValues[$i]); // You only need set value for current element if: // 1. it's the parent of the last index element // OR // 2. its child is not passed by reference // // This may avoid unnecessary value setting process for array elements. // For example: // '[a][b][c]' => 'old-value' // If you want to change its value to 'new-value', // you only need set value for '[a][b][c]' and it's safe to ignore '[a][b]' and '[a]' if ($overwrite) { $property = $propertyPath->getElement($i); if ($propertyPath->isIndex($i)) { if ($overwrite = !isset($zval[self::REF])) { $ref = &$zval[self::REF]; $ref = $zval[self::VALUE]; } $this->writeIndex($zval, $property, $value); if ($overwrite) { $zval[self::VALUE] = $zval[self::REF]; } } else { $this->writeProperty($zval, $property, $value); } // if current element is an object // OR // if current element's reference chain is not broken - current element // as well as all its ancients in the property path are all passed by reference, // then there is no need to continue the value setting process if (\is_object($zval[self::VALUE]) || isset($zval[self::IS_REF_CHAINED])) { break; } } $value = $zval[self::VALUE]; } } catch (\TypeError $e) { self::throwInvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage(), $e->getTrace(), 0, $propertyPath, $e); // It wasn't thrown in this class so rethrow it throw $e; } } private static function throwInvalidArgumentException(string $message, array $trace, int $i, string $propertyPath, ?\Throwable $previous = null): void { if (!isset($trace[$i]['file']) || __FILE__ !== $trace[$i]['file']) { return; } if (preg_match('/^\S+::\S+\(\): Argument #\d+ \(\$\S+\) must be of type (\S+), (\S+) given/', $message, $matches)) { [, $expectedType, $actualType] = $matches; throw new InvalidTypeException($expectedType, $actualType, $propertyPath, $previous); } if (preg_match('/^Cannot assign (\S+) to property \S+::\$\S+ of type (\S+)$/', $message, $matches)) { [, $actualType, $expectedType] = $matches; throw new InvalidTypeException($expectedType, $actualType, $propertyPath, $previous); } } public function isReadable(object|array $objectOrArray, string|PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath): bool { if (!$propertyPath instanceof PropertyPathInterface) { $propertyPath = new PropertyPath($propertyPath); } try { $zval = [ self::VALUE => $objectOrArray, ]; // handle stdClass with properties with a dot in the name if ($objectOrArray instanceof \stdClass && str_contains($propertyPath, '.') && property_exists($objectOrArray, $propertyPath)) { $this->readProperty($zval, $propertyPath, $this->ignoreInvalidProperty); } else { $this->readPropertiesUntil($zval, $propertyPath, $propertyPath->getLength(), $this->ignoreInvalidIndices); } return true; } catch (AccessException|UnexpectedTypeException) { return false; } } public function isWritable(object|array $objectOrArray, string|PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath): bool { $propertyPath = $this->getPropertyPath($propertyPath); try { $zval = [ self::VALUE => $objectOrArray, ]; // handle stdClass with properties with a dot in the name if ($objectOrArray instanceof \stdClass && str_contains($propertyPath, '.') && property_exists($objectOrArray, $propertyPath)) { $this->readProperty($zval, $propertyPath, $this->ignoreInvalidProperty); return true; } $propertyValues = $this->readPropertiesUntil($zval, $propertyPath, $propertyPath->getLength() - 1); for ($i = \count($propertyValues) - 1; 0 <= $i; --$i) { $zval = $propertyValues[$i]; unset($propertyValues[$i]); if ($propertyPath->isIndex($i)) { if (!$zval[self::VALUE] instanceof \ArrayAccess && !\is_array($zval[self::VALUE])) { return false; } } elseif (!\is_object($zval[self::VALUE]) || !$this->isPropertyWritable($zval[self::VALUE], $propertyPath->getElement($i))) { return false; } if (\is_object($zval[self::VALUE])) { return true; } } return true; } catch (AccessException|UnexpectedTypeException) { return false; } } /** * Reads the path from an object up to a given path index. * * @throws UnexpectedTypeException if a value within the path is neither object nor array * @throws NoSuchIndexException If a non-existing index is accessed */ private function readPropertiesUntil(array $zval, PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath, int $lastIndex, bool $ignoreInvalidIndices = true): array { if (!\is_object($zval[self::VALUE]) && !\is_array($zval[self::VALUE])) { throw new UnexpectedTypeException($zval[self::VALUE], $propertyPath, 0); } // Add the root object to the list $propertyValues = [$zval]; for ($i = 0; $i < $lastIndex; ++$i) { $property = $propertyPath->getElement($i); $isIndex = $propertyPath->isIndex($i); $isNullSafe = $propertyPath->isNullSafe($i); if ($isIndex) { // Create missing nested arrays on demand if (($zval[self::VALUE] instanceof \ArrayAccess && !$zval[self::VALUE]->offsetExists($property)) || (\is_array($zval[self::VALUE]) && !isset($zval[self::VALUE][$property]) && !\array_key_exists($property, $zval[self::VALUE])) ) { if (!$ignoreInvalidIndices && !$isNullSafe) { if (!\is_array($zval[self::VALUE])) { if (!$zval[self::VALUE] instanceof \Traversable) { throw new NoSuchIndexException(sprintf('Cannot read index "%s" while trying to traverse path "%s".', $property, (string) $propertyPath)); } $zval[self::VALUE] = iterator_to_array($zval[self::VALUE]); } throw new NoSuchIndexException(sprintf('Cannot read index "%s" while trying to traverse path "%s". Available indices are "%s".', $property, (string) $propertyPath, print_r(array_keys($zval[self::VALUE]), true))); } if ($i + 1 < $propertyPath->getLength()) { if (isset($zval[self::REF])) { $zval[self::VALUE][$property] = []; $zval[self::REF] = $zval[self::VALUE]; } else { $zval[self::VALUE] = [$property => []]; } } } $zval = $this->readIndex($zval, $property); } elseif ($isNullSafe && !\is_object($zval[self::VALUE])) { $zval[self::VALUE] = null; } else { $zval = $this->readProperty($zval, $property, $this->ignoreInvalidProperty, $isNullSafe); } // the final value of the path must not be validated if ($i + 1 < $propertyPath->getLength() && !\is_object($zval[self::VALUE]) && !\is_array($zval[self::VALUE]) && !$isNullSafe) { throw new UnexpectedTypeException($zval[self::VALUE], $propertyPath, $i + 1); } if (isset($zval[self::REF]) && (0 === $i || isset($propertyValues[$i - 1][self::IS_REF_CHAINED]))) { // Set the IS_REF_CHAINED flag to true if: // current property is passed by reference and // it is the first element in the property path or // the IS_REF_CHAINED flag of its parent element is true // Basically, this flag is true only when the reference chain from the top element to current element is not broken $zval[self::IS_REF_CHAINED] = true; } $propertyValues[] = $zval; if ($isNullSafe && null === $zval[self::VALUE]) { break; } } return $propertyValues; } /** * Reads a key from an array-like structure. * * @throws NoSuchIndexException If the array does not implement \ArrayAccess or it is not an array */ private function readIndex(array $zval, string|int $index): array { if (!$zval[self::VALUE] instanceof \ArrayAccess && !\is_array($zval[self::VALUE])) { throw new NoSuchIndexException(sprintf('Cannot read index "%s" from object of type "%s" because it doesn\'t implement \ArrayAccess.', $index, get_debug_type($zval[self::VALUE]))); } $result = self::RESULT_PROTO; if (isset($zval[self::VALUE][$index])) { $result[self::VALUE] = $zval[self::VALUE][$index]; if (!isset($zval[self::REF])) { // Save creating references when doing read-only lookups } elseif (\is_array($zval[self::VALUE])) { $result[self::REF] = &$zval[self::REF][$index]; } elseif (\is_object($result[self::VALUE])) { $result[self::REF] = $result[self::VALUE]; } } return $result; } /** * Reads the value of a property from an object. * * @throws NoSuchPropertyException If $ignoreInvalidProperty is false and the property does not exist or is not public */ private function readProperty(array $zval, string $property, bool $ignoreInvalidProperty = false, bool $isNullSafe = false): array { if (!\is_object($zval[self::VALUE])) { throw new NoSuchPropertyException(sprintf('Cannot read property "%s" from an array. Maybe you intended to write the property path as "[%1$s]" instead.', $property)); } $result = self::RESULT_PROTO; $object = $zval[self::VALUE]; $class = $object::class; $access = $this->getReadInfo($class, $property); if (null !== $access) { $name = $access->getName(); $type = $access->getType(); try { if (PropertyReadInfo::TYPE_METHOD === $type) { try { $result[self::VALUE] = $object->$name(); } catch (\TypeError $e) { [$trace] = $e->getTrace(); // handle uninitialized properties in PHP >= 7 if (__FILE__ === ($trace['file'] ?? null) && $name === $trace['function'] && $object instanceof $trace['class'] && preg_match('/Return value (?:of .*::\w+\(\) )?must be of (?:the )?type (\w+), null returned$/', $e->getMessage(), $matches) ) { throw new UninitializedPropertyException(sprintf('The method "%s::%s()" returned "null", but expected type "%3$s". Did you forget to initialize a property or to make the return type nullable using "?%3$s"?', get_debug_type($object), $name, $matches[1]), 0, $e); } throw $e; } } elseif (PropertyReadInfo::TYPE_PROPERTY === $type) { if (!isset($object->$name) && !\array_key_exists($name, (array) $object)) { try { $r = new \ReflectionProperty($class, $name); if ($r->isPublic() && !$r->hasType()) { throw new UninitializedPropertyException(sprintf('The property "%s::$%s" is not initialized.', $class, $name)); } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { if (!$ignoreInvalidProperty) { throw new NoSuchPropertyException(sprintf('Can\'t get a way to read the property "%s" in class "%s".', $property, $class)); } } } $result[self::VALUE] = $object->$name; if (isset($zval[self::REF]) && $access->canBeReference()) { $result[self::REF] = &$object->$name; } } } catch (\Error $e) { // handle uninitialized properties in PHP >= 7.4 if (preg_match('/^Typed property ([\w\\\\@]+)::\$(\w+) must not be accessed before initialization$/', $e->getMessage(), $matches) || preg_match('/^Cannot access uninitialized non-nullable property ([\w\\\\@]+)::\$(\w+) by reference$/', $e->getMessage(), $matches)) { $r = new \ReflectionProperty(str_contains($matches[1], '@anonymous') ? $class : $matches[1], $matches[2]); $type = ($type = $r->getType()) instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? $type->getName() : (string) $type; throw new UninitializedPropertyException(sprintf('The property "%s::$%s" is not readable because it is typed "%s". You should initialize it or declare a default value instead.', $matches[1], $r->getName(), $type), 0, $e); } throw $e; } } elseif (property_exists($object, $property) && \array_key_exists($property, (array) $object)) { $result[self::VALUE] = $object->$property; if (isset($zval[self::REF])) { $result[self::REF] = &$object->$property; } } elseif ($isNullSafe) { $result[self::VALUE] = null; } elseif (!$ignoreInvalidProperty) { throw new NoSuchPropertyException(sprintf('Can\'t get a way to read the property "%s" in class "%s".', $property, $class)); } // Objects are always passed around by reference if (isset($zval[self::REF]) && \is_object($result[self::VALUE])) { $result[self::REF] = $result[self::VALUE]; } return $result; } /** * Guesses how to read the property value. */ private function getReadInfo(string $class, string $property): ?PropertyReadInfo { $key = str_replace('\\', '.', $class).'..'.$property; if (isset($this->readPropertyCache[$key])) { return $this->readPropertyCache[$key]; } if ($this->cacheItemPool) { $item = $this->cacheItemPool->getItem(self::CACHE_PREFIX_READ.rawurlencode($key)); if ($item->isHit()) { return $this->readPropertyCache[$key] = $item->get(); } } $accessor = $this->readInfoExtractor->getReadInfo($class, $property, [ 'enable_getter_setter_extraction' => true, 'enable_magic_methods_extraction' => $this->magicMethodsFlags, 'enable_constructor_extraction' => false, ]); if (isset($item)) { $this->cacheItemPool->save($item->set($accessor)); } return $this->readPropertyCache[$key] = $accessor; } /** * Sets the value of an index in a given array-accessible value. * * @throws NoSuchIndexException If the array does not implement \ArrayAccess or it is not an array */ private function writeIndex(array $zval, string|int $index, mixed $value): void { if (!$zval[self::VALUE] instanceof \ArrayAccess && !\is_array($zval[self::VALUE])) { throw new NoSuchIndexException(sprintf('Cannot modify index "%s" in object of type "%s" because it doesn\'t implement \ArrayAccess.', $index, get_debug_type($zval[self::VALUE]))); } $zval[self::REF][$index] = $value; } /** * Sets the value of a property in the given object. * * @throws NoSuchPropertyException if the property does not exist or is not public */ private function writeProperty(array $zval, string $property, mixed $value, bool $recursive = false): void { if (!\is_object($zval[self::VALUE])) { throw new NoSuchPropertyException(sprintf('Cannot write property "%s" to an array. Maybe you should write the property path as "[%1$s]" instead?', $property)); } $object = $zval[self::VALUE]; $class = $object::class; $mutator = $this->getWriteInfo($class, $property, $value); try { if (PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_NONE !== $mutator->getType()) { $type = $mutator->getType(); if (PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_METHOD === $type) { $object->{$mutator->getName()}($value); } elseif (PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_PROPERTY === $type) { $object->{$mutator->getName()} = $value; } elseif (PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_ADDER_AND_REMOVER === $type) { $this->writeCollection($zval, $property, $value, $mutator->getAdderInfo(), $mutator->getRemoverInfo()); } } elseif ($object instanceof \stdClass && property_exists($object, $property)) { $object->$property = $value; } elseif (!$this->ignoreInvalidProperty) { if ($mutator->hasErrors()) { throw new NoSuchPropertyException(implode('. ', $mutator->getErrors()).'.'); } throw new NoSuchPropertyException(sprintf('Could not determine access type for property "%s" in class "%s".', $property, get_debug_type($object))); } } catch (\TypeError $e) { if ($recursive || !$value instanceof \DateTimeInterface || !\in_array($value::class, ['DateTime', 'DateTimeImmutable'], true) || __FILE__ !== ($e->getTrace()[0]['file'] ?? null)) { throw $e; } $value = $value instanceof \DateTimeImmutable ? \DateTime::createFromImmutable($value) : \DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable($value); try { $this->writeProperty($zval, $property, $value, true); } catch (\TypeError) { throw $e; // throw the previous error } } } /** * Adjusts a collection-valued property by calling add*() and remove*() methods. */ private function writeCollection(array $zval, string $property, iterable $collection, PropertyWriteInfo $addMethod, PropertyWriteInfo $removeMethod): void { // At this point the add and remove methods have been found $previousValue = $this->readProperty($zval, $property); $previousValue = $previousValue[self::VALUE]; $removeMethodName = $removeMethod->getName(); $addMethodName = $addMethod->getName(); if ($previousValue instanceof \Traversable) { $previousValue = iterator_to_array($previousValue); } if ($previousValue && \is_array($previousValue)) { if (\is_object($collection)) { $collection = iterator_to_array($collection); } foreach ($previousValue as $key => $item) { if (!\in_array($item, $collection, true)) { unset($previousValue[$key]); $zval[self::VALUE]->$removeMethodName($item); } } } else { $previousValue = false; } foreach ($collection as $item) { if (!$previousValue || !\in_array($item, $previousValue, true)) { $zval[self::VALUE]->$addMethodName($item); } } } private function getWriteInfo(string $class, string $property, mixed $value): PropertyWriteInfo { $useAdderAndRemover = is_iterable($value); $key = str_replace('\\', '.', $class).'..'.$property.'..'.(int) $useAdderAndRemover; if (isset($this->writePropertyCache[$key])) { return $this->writePropertyCache[$key]; } if ($this->cacheItemPool) { $item = $this->cacheItemPool->getItem(self::CACHE_PREFIX_WRITE.rawurlencode($key)); if ($item->isHit()) { return $this->writePropertyCache[$key] = $item->get(); } } $mutator = $this->writeInfoExtractor->getWriteInfo($class, $property, [ 'enable_getter_setter_extraction' => true, 'enable_magic_methods_extraction' => $this->magicMethodsFlags, 'enable_constructor_extraction' => false, 'enable_adder_remover_extraction' => $useAdderAndRemover, ]); if (isset($item)) { $this->cacheItemPool->save($item->set($mutator)); } return $this->writePropertyCache[$key] = $mutator; } /** * Returns whether a property is writable in the given object. */ private function isPropertyWritable(object $object, string $property): bool { $mutatorForArray = $this->getWriteInfo($object::class, $property, []); if (PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_NONE !== $mutatorForArray->getType() || ($object instanceof \stdClass && property_exists($object, $property))) { return true; } $mutator = $this->getWriteInfo($object::class, $property, ''); return PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_NONE !== $mutator->getType() || ($object instanceof \stdClass && property_exists($object, $property)); } /** * Gets a PropertyPath instance and caches it. */ private function getPropertyPath(string|PropertyPath $propertyPath): PropertyPath { if ($propertyPath instanceof PropertyPathInterface) { // Don't call the copy constructor has it is not needed here return $propertyPath; } if (isset($this->propertyPathCache[$propertyPath])) { return $this->propertyPathCache[$propertyPath]; } if ($this->cacheItemPool) { $item = $this->cacheItemPool->getItem(self::CACHE_PREFIX_PROPERTY_PATH.rawurlencode($propertyPath)); if ($item->isHit()) { return $this->propertyPathCache[$propertyPath] = $item->get(); } } $propertyPathInstance = new PropertyPath($propertyPath); if (isset($item)) { $item->set($propertyPathInstance); $this->cacheItemPool->save($item); } return $this->propertyPathCache[$propertyPath] = $propertyPathInstance; } /** * Creates the APCu adapter if applicable. * * @throws \LogicException When the Cache Component isn't available */ public static function createCache(string $namespace, int $defaultLifetime, string $version, ?LoggerInterface $logger = null): AdapterInterface { if (!class_exists(ApcuAdapter::class)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The Symfony Cache component must be installed to use "%s()".', __METHOD__)); } if (!ApcuAdapter::isSupported()) { return new NullAdapter(); } $apcu = new ApcuAdapter($namespace, $defaultLifetime / 5, $version); if ('cli' === \PHP_SAPI && !filter_var(\ini_get('apc.enable_cli'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL)) { $apcu->setLogger(new NullLogger()); } elseif (null !== $logger) { $apcu->setLogger($logger); } return $apcu; } }