* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Transliterator; use Symfony\Component\Emoji\EmojiTransliterator as EmojiEmojiTransliterator; trigger_deprecation('symfony/intl', '7.1', 'The "%s" class is deprecated, use "%s" instead.', EmojiTransliterator::class, EmojiEmojiTransliterator::class); if (!class_exists(EmojiEmojiTransliterator::class)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use the "%s" if the Emoji component is not available. Try running "composer require symfony/emoji".', EmojiEmojiTransliterator::class)); } class_alias(EmojiEmojiTransliterator::class, EmojiTransliterator::class); if (false) { /** * @deprecated since Symfony 7.1, use Symfony\Component\Emoji\EmojiTransliterator instead */ class EmojiTransliterator extends \Transliterator { } }