* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node; use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Compiler; /** * @author Fabien Potencier * * @internal */ class GetAttrNode extends Node { public const PROPERTY_CALL = 1; public const METHOD_CALL = 2; public const ARRAY_CALL = 3; /** * @param self::* $type */ public function __construct(Node $node, Node $attribute, ArrayNode $arguments, int $type) { parent::__construct( ['node' => $node, 'attribute' => $attribute, 'arguments' => $arguments], ['type' => $type, 'is_null_coalesce' => false, 'is_short_circuited' => false], ); } public function compile(Compiler $compiler): void { $nullSafe = $this->nodes['attribute'] instanceof ConstantNode && $this->nodes['attribute']->isNullSafe; switch ($this->attributes['type']) { case self::PROPERTY_CALL: $compiler ->compile($this->nodes['node']) ->raw($nullSafe ? '?->' : '->') ->raw($this->nodes['attribute']->attributes['value']) ; break; case self::METHOD_CALL: $compiler ->compile($this->nodes['node']) ->raw($nullSafe ? '?->' : '->') ->raw($this->nodes['attribute']->attributes['value']) ->raw('(') ->compile($this->nodes['arguments']) ->raw(')') ; break; case self::ARRAY_CALL: $compiler ->compile($this->nodes['node']) ->raw('[') ->compile($this->nodes['attribute'])->raw(']') ; break; } } public function evaluate(array $functions, array $values): mixed { switch ($this->attributes['type']) { case self::PROPERTY_CALL: $obj = $this->nodes['node']->evaluate($functions, $values); if (null === $obj && ($this->nodes['attribute']->isNullSafe || $this->attributes['is_null_coalesce'])) { $this->attributes['is_short_circuited'] = true; return null; } if (null === $obj && $this->isShortCircuited()) { return null; } if (!\is_object($obj)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to get property "%s" of non-object "%s".', $this->nodes['attribute']->dump(), $this->nodes['node']->dump())); } $property = $this->nodes['attribute']->attributes['value']; if ($this->attributes['is_null_coalesce']) { return $obj->$property ?? null; } return $obj->$property; case self::METHOD_CALL: $obj = $this->nodes['node']->evaluate($functions, $values); if (null === $obj && $this->nodes['attribute']->isNullSafe) { $this->attributes['is_short_circuited'] = true; return null; } if (null === $obj && $this->isShortCircuited()) { return null; } if (!\is_object($obj)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to call method "%s" of non-object "%s".', $this->nodes['attribute']->dump(), $this->nodes['node']->dump())); } if (!\is_callable($toCall = [$obj, $this->nodes['attribute']->attributes['value']])) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to call method "%s" of object "%s".', $this->nodes['attribute']->attributes['value'], get_debug_type($obj))); } return $toCall(...array_values($this->nodes['arguments']->evaluate($functions, $values))); case self::ARRAY_CALL: $array = $this->nodes['node']->evaluate($functions, $values); if (null === $array && $this->isShortCircuited()) { return null; } if (!\is_array($array) && !$array instanceof \ArrayAccess && !(null === $array && $this->attributes['is_null_coalesce'])) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to get an item of non-array "%s".', $this->nodes['node']->dump())); } if ($this->attributes['is_null_coalesce']) { return $array[$this->nodes['attribute']->evaluate($functions, $values)] ?? null; } return $array[$this->nodes['attribute']->evaluate($functions, $values)]; } } private function isShortCircuited(): bool { return $this->attributes['is_short_circuited'] || ($this->nodes['node'] instanceof self && $this->nodes['node']->isShortCircuited()); } public function toArray(): array { switch ($this->attributes['type']) { case self::PROPERTY_CALL: return [$this->nodes['node'], '.', $this->nodes['attribute']]; case self::METHOD_CALL: return [$this->nodes['node'], '.', $this->nodes['attribute'], '(', $this->nodes['arguments'], ')']; case self::ARRAY_CALL: return [$this->nodes['node'], '[', $this->nodes['attribute'], ']']; } } /** * Provides BC with instances serialized before v6.2. */ public function __unserialize(array $data): void { $this->nodes = $data['nodes']; $this->attributes = $data['attributes']; $this->attributes['is_null_coalesce'] ??= false; $this->attributes['is_short_circuited'] ??= $data["\x00Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node\GetAttrNode\x00isShortCircuited"] ?? false; } }