* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\ConstraintDefinitionException; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; /** * Validates that a value is a valid CIDR notation. * * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing * * @author Sorin Pop * @author Calin Bolea * @author Ninos Ego */ #[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_PROPERTY | \Attribute::TARGET_METHOD | \Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)] class Cidr extends Constraint { public const INVALID_CIDR_ERROR = '5649e53a-5afb-47c5-a360-ffbab3be8567'; public const OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR = 'b9f14a51-acbd-401a-a078-8c6b204ab32f'; protected const ERROR_NAMES = [ self::INVALID_CIDR_ERROR => 'INVALID_CIDR_ERROR', self::OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR => 'OUT_OF_RANGE_VIOLATION', ]; private const NET_MAXES = [ Ip::V4 => 32, Ip::V6 => 128, Ip::ALL => 128, Ip::V4_NO_PUBLIC => 32, Ip::V6_NO_PUBLIC => 128, Ip::ALL_NO_PUBLIC => 128, Ip::V4_NO_PRIVATE => 32, Ip::V6_NO_PRIVATE => 128, Ip::ALL_NO_PRIVATE => 128, Ip::V4_NO_RESERVED => 32, Ip::V6_NO_RESERVED => 128, Ip::ALL_NO_RESERVED => 128, Ip::V4_ONLY_PUBLIC => 32, Ip::V6_ONLY_PUBLIC => 128, Ip::ALL_ONLY_PUBLIC => 128, Ip::V4_ONLY_PRIVATE => 32, Ip::V6_ONLY_PRIVATE => 128, Ip::ALL_ONLY_PRIVATE => 128, Ip::V4_ONLY_RESERVED => 32, Ip::V6_ONLY_RESERVED => 128, Ip::ALL_ONLY_RESERVED => 128, ]; public string $version = Ip::ALL; public string $message = 'This value is not a valid CIDR notation.'; public string $netmaskRangeViolationMessage = 'The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.'; public int $netmaskMin = 0; public int $netmaskMax; /** @var callable|null */ public $normalizer; public function __construct( ?array $options = null, ?string $version = null, ?int $netmaskMin = null, ?int $netmaskMax = null, ?string $message = null, ?array $groups = null, $payload = null, ?callable $normalizer = null, ) { $this->version = $version ?? $options['version'] ?? $this->version; if (!\array_key_exists($this->version, self::NET_MAXES)) { throw new ConstraintDefinitionException(sprintf('The option "version" must be one of "%s".', implode('", "', array_keys(self::NET_MAXES)))); } $this->netmaskMin = $netmaskMin ?? $options['netmaskMin'] ?? $this->netmaskMin; $this->netmaskMax = $netmaskMax ?? $options['netmaskMax'] ?? self::NET_MAXES[$this->version]; $this->message = $message ?? $this->message; $this->normalizer = $normalizer ?? $this->normalizer; unset($options['netmaskMin'], $options['netmaskMax'], $options['version']); if ($this->netmaskMin < 0 || $this->netmaskMax > self::NET_MAXES[$this->version] || $this->netmaskMin > $this->netmaskMax) { throw new ConstraintDefinitionException(sprintf('The netmask range must be between 0 and %d.', self::NET_MAXES[$this->version])); } if (null !== $this->normalizer && !\is_callable($this->normalizer)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "normalizer" option must be a valid callable ("%s" given).', get_debug_type($this->normalizer))); } parent::__construct($options, $groups, $payload); } }