* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\Compiler; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\AssetMapperInterface; use Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\Exception\RuntimeException; use Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\MappedAsset; use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Path; /** * Resolves url() paths in CSS files. * * Originally sourced from https://github.com/rails/propshaft/blob/main/lib/propshaft/compilers/css_asset_urls.rb */ final class CssAssetUrlCompiler implements AssetCompilerInterface { // https://regex101.com/r/BOJ3vG/1 public const ASSET_URL_PATTERN = '/url\(\s*["\']?(?!(?:\/|\#|%23|data|http|\/\/))([^"\'\s?#)]+)([#?][^"\')]+)?\s*["\']?\)/'; public function __construct( private readonly string $missingImportMode = self::MISSING_IMPORT_WARN, private readonly ?LoggerInterface $logger = null, ) { } public function compile(string $content, MappedAsset $asset, AssetMapperInterface $assetMapper): string { return preg_replace_callback(self::ASSET_URL_PATTERN, function ($matches) use ($asset, $assetMapper) { try { $resolvedSourcePath = Path::join(\dirname($asset->sourcePath), $matches[1]); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $this->handleMissingImport(sprintf('Error processing import in "%s": ', $asset->sourcePath).$e->getMessage(), $e); return $matches[0]; } $dependentAsset = $assetMapper->getAssetFromSourcePath($resolvedSourcePath); if (null === $dependentAsset) { $message = sprintf('Unable to find asset "%s" referenced in "%s". The file "%s" ', $matches[1], $asset->sourcePath, $resolvedSourcePath); if (is_file($resolvedSourcePath)) { $message .= 'exists, but it is not in a mapped asset path. Add it to the "paths" config.'; } else { $message .= 'does not exist.'; } $this->handleMissingImport($message); // return original, unchanged path return $matches[0]; } $asset->addDependency($dependentAsset); $relativePath = Path::makeRelative($dependentAsset->publicPath, \dirname($asset->publicPathWithoutDigest)); return 'url("'.$relativePath.'")'; }, $content); } public function supports(MappedAsset $asset): bool { return 'css' === $asset->publicExtension; } private function handleMissingImport(string $message, ?\Throwable $e = null): void { match ($this->missingImportMode) { AssetCompilerInterface::MISSING_IMPORT_IGNORE => null, AssetCompilerInterface::MISSING_IMPORT_WARN => $this->logger?->warning($message), AssetCompilerInterface::MISSING_IMPORT_STRICT => throw new RuntimeException($message, 0, $e), }; } }