includes: - phpstan-baseline.neon - phpstan-params.neon parameters: ignoreErrors: # Symfony cache supports passing a key prefix to the clear method. - '/^Method Psr\\Cache\\CacheItemPoolInterface\:\:clear\(\) invoked with 1 parameter, 0 required\.$/' # We can be certain that those values are not matched. - message: '~^Match expression does not handle remaining values:~' path: src/Persisters/Entity/BasicEntityPersister.php # DBAL 4 compatibility - message: '~^Method Doctrine\\ORM\\Query\\AST\\Functions\\TrimFunction::getTrimMode\(\) never returns .* so it can be removed from the return type\.$~' path: src/Query/AST/Functions/TrimFunction.php - message: '~^Method Doctrine\\ORM\\Persisters\\Entity\\BasicEntityPersister\:\:getArrayBindingType\(\) never returns .* so it can be removed from the return type\.$~' path: src/Persisters/Entity/BasicEntityPersister.php - '~^Class Doctrine\\DBAL\\Platforms\\SQLitePlatform not found\.$~' # To be removed in 4.0 - message: '#Negated boolean expression is always false\.#' paths: - src/Mapping/Driver/AttributeDriver.php