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2024-09-26 17:26:04 +02:00
$renderSymfonyLogoSvg = <<<SVG
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// SVG icons from the Tabler Icons project
// MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Paweł Kuna
// https://github.com/tabler/tabler-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
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<div class="wrapper">
<section class="logo">
<?php echo $renderSymfonyLogoSvg; ?>
<small>Welcome to</small>
<span translate="no" class="notranslate">Symfony</span> <?php echo explode('.', $version, 2)[0]; ?>
<section class="info">
<?php echo $renderBoxIconSvg; ?>
<span>You are using Symfony <strong><?php echo $version; ?></strong> version</span>
<?php echo $renderFolderIconSvg; ?>
<span>Your application is ready at: <code translate="no" class="notranslate project_dir_path"><?php echo $projectDir; ?></code></span>
<?php echo $renderInfoIconSvg; ?>
<span>You are seeing this page because the homepage URL is not configured and <a target="_blank" href="https://symfony.com/doc/<?php echo $docVersion; ?>/debug-mode">debug mode</a> is enabled.</span>
<p class="next-step">
<strong>Next Step</strong>
<?php echo $renderNextStepIconSvg; ?>
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to replace this placeholder page.
<section class="waves">
<?php echo $renderWavesSvg; ?>
<div class="wrapper">
<span><?php echo $renderLearnIconSvg; ?></span>
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<span><?php echo $renderCommunityIconSvg; ?></span>
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<span><?php echo $renderUpdatesIconSvg; ?></span>
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