/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { WEBASSEMBLY_MODULE_TYPE_SYNC } = require("../ModuleTypeConstants"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals"); const Template = require("../Template"); const WasmChunkLoadingRuntimeModule = require("../wasm-sync/WasmChunkLoadingRuntimeModule"); /** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */ /** * @typedef {object} ReadFileCompileWasmPluginOptions * @property {boolean} [mangleImports] mangle imports * @property {boolean} [import] use import? */ // TODO webpack 6 remove const PLUGIN_NAME = "ReadFileCompileWasmPlugin"; class ReadFileCompileWasmPlugin { /** * @param {ReadFileCompileWasmPluginOptions} [options] options object */ constructor(options = {}) { this.options = options; } /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, compilation => { const globalWasmLoading = compilation.outputOptions.wasmLoading; /** * @param {Chunk} chunk chunk * @returns {boolean} true, when wasm loading is enabled for the chunk */ const isEnabledForChunk = chunk => { const options = chunk.getEntryOptions(); const wasmLoading = options && options.wasmLoading !== undefined ? options.wasmLoading : globalWasmLoading; return wasmLoading === "async-node"; }; /** * @param {string} path path to wasm file * @returns {string} generated code to load the wasm file */ const generateLoadBinaryCode = this.options.import ? path => Template.asString([ "Promise.all([import('fs'), import('url')]).then(([{ readFile }, { URL }]) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {", Template.indent([ `readFile(new URL(${path}, ${compilation.outputOptions.importMetaName}.url), (err, buffer) => {`, Template.indent([ "if (err) return reject(err);", "", "// Fake fetch response", "resolve({", Template.indent(["arrayBuffer() { return buffer; }"]), "});" ]), "});" ]), "}))" ]) : path => Template.asString([ "new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {", Template.indent([ "var { readFile } = require('fs');", "var { join } = require('path');", "", "try {", Template.indent([ `readFile(join(__dirname, ${path}), function(err, buffer){`, Template.indent([ "if (err) return reject(err);", "", "// Fake fetch response", "resolve({", Template.indent(["arrayBuffer() { return buffer; }"]), "});" ]), "});" ]), "} catch (err) { reject(err); }" ]), "})" ]); compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree .for(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (chunk, set, { chunkGraph }) => { if (!isEnabledForChunk(chunk)) return; if ( !chunkGraph.hasModuleInGraph( chunk, m => m.type === WEBASSEMBLY_MODULE_TYPE_SYNC ) ) { return; } set.add(RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache); compilation.addRuntimeModule( chunk, new WasmChunkLoadingRuntimeModule({ generateLoadBinaryCode, supportsStreaming: false, mangleImports: this.options.mangleImports, runtimeRequirements: set }) ); }); }); } } module.exports = ReadFileCompileWasmPlugin;