/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { HookMap, SyncBailHook, SyncWaterfallHook } = require("tapable"); const { concatComparators, keepOriginalOrder } = require("../util/comparators"); const smartGrouping = require("../util/smartGrouping"); /** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("../Compilation")} Compilation */ /** @typedef {import("../Compilation").NormalizedStatsOptions} NormalizedStatsOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("../WebpackError")} WebpackError */ /** @typedef {import("../util/comparators").Comparator<any>} Comparator */ /** @typedef {import("../util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */ /** @typedef {import("../util/smartGrouping").GroupConfig<any, object>} GroupConfig */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsFactoryContext * @property {string} type * @property {function(string): string} makePathsRelative * @property {Compilation} compilation * @property {Set<Module>} rootModules * @property {Map<string,Chunk[]>} compilationFileToChunks * @property {Map<string,Chunk[]>} compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks * @property {RuntimeSpec} runtime * @property {function(Compilation): WebpackError[]} cachedGetErrors * @property {function(Compilation): WebpackError[]} cachedGetWarnings */ /** @typedef {Record<string, any> & KnownStatsFactoryContext} StatsFactoryContext */ /** @typedef {any} CreatedObject */ /** @typedef {any} FactoryData */ /** @typedef {any} FactoryDataItem */ /** @typedef {any} Result */ /** @typedef {Record<string, any>} ObjectForExtract */ /** * @typedef {object} StatsFactoryHooks * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[ObjectForExtract, FactoryData, StatsFactoryContext], void>>} extract * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[FactoryDataItem, StatsFactoryContext, number, number], boolean | void>>} filter * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Comparator[], StatsFactoryContext], void>>} sort * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[FactoryDataItem, StatsFactoryContext, number, number], boolean | void>>} filterSorted * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[GroupConfig[], StatsFactoryContext], void>>} groupResults * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Comparator[], StatsFactoryContext], void>>} sortResults * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[FactoryDataItem, StatsFactoryContext, number, number], boolean | void>>} filterResults * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[FactoryDataItem[], StatsFactoryContext], Result | void>>} merge * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Result, StatsFactoryContext], Result>>} result * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[FactoryDataItem, StatsFactoryContext], string | void>>} getItemName * @property {HookMap<SyncBailHook<[FactoryDataItem, StatsFactoryContext], StatsFactory | void>>} getItemFactory */ /** * @template T * @typedef {Map<string, T[]>} Caches */ class StatsFactory { constructor() { /** @type {StatsFactoryHooks} */ this.hooks = Object.freeze({ extract: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["object", "data", "context"]) ), filter: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["item", "context", "index", "unfilteredIndex"]) ), sort: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["comparators", "context"])), filterSorted: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["item", "context", "index", "unfilteredIndex"]) ), groupResults: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["groupConfigs", "context"]) ), sortResults: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["comparators", "context"]) ), filterResults: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["item", "context", "index", "unfilteredIndex"]) ), merge: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["items", "context"])), result: new HookMap(() => new SyncWaterfallHook(["result", "context"])), getItemName: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["item", "context"])), getItemFactory: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["item", "context"])) }); const hooks = this.hooks; this._caches = /** @type {TODO} */ ({}); for (const key of Object.keys(hooks)) { this._caches[/** @type {keyof StatsFactoryHooks} */ (key)] = new Map(); } this._inCreate = false; } /** * @template {StatsFactoryHooks[keyof StatsFactoryHooks]} HM * @template {HM extends HookMap<infer H> ? H : never} H * @param {HM} hookMap hook map * @param {Caches<H>} cache cache * @param {string} type type * @returns {H[]} hooks * @private */ _getAllLevelHooks(hookMap, cache, type) { const cacheEntry = cache.get(type); if (cacheEntry !== undefined) { return cacheEntry; } const hooks = /** @type {H[]} */ ([]); const typeParts = type.split("."); for (let i = 0; i < typeParts.length; i++) { const hook = /** @type {H} */ (hookMap.get(typeParts.slice(i).join("."))); if (hook) { hooks.push(hook); } } cache.set(type, hooks); return hooks; } /** * @template {StatsFactoryHooks[keyof StatsFactoryHooks]} HM * @template {HM extends HookMap<infer H> ? H : never} H * @template {H extends import("tapable").Hook<any, infer R> ? R : never} R * @param {HM} hookMap hook map * @param {Caches<H>} cache cache * @param {string} type type * @param {function(H): R | void} fn fn * @returns {R | void} hook * @private */ _forEachLevel(hookMap, cache, type, fn) { for (const hook of this._getAllLevelHooks(hookMap, cache, type)) { const result = fn(/** @type {H} */ (hook)); if (result !== undefined) return result; } } /** * @template {StatsFactoryHooks[keyof StatsFactoryHooks]} HM * @template {HM extends HookMap<infer H> ? H : never} H * @param {HM} hookMap hook map * @param {Caches<H>} cache cache * @param {string} type type * @param {FactoryData} data data * @param {function(H, FactoryData): FactoryData} fn fn * @returns {FactoryData} data * @private */ _forEachLevelWaterfall(hookMap, cache, type, data, fn) { for (const hook of this._getAllLevelHooks(hookMap, cache, type)) { data = fn(/** @type {H} */ (hook), data); } return data; } /** * @template {StatsFactoryHooks[keyof StatsFactoryHooks]} T * @template {T extends HookMap<infer H> ? H : never} H * @template {H extends import("tapable").Hook<any, infer R> ? R : never} R * @param {T} hookMap hook map * @param {Caches<H>} cache cache * @param {string} type type * @param {Array<FactoryData>} items items * @param {function(H, R, number, number): R | undefined} fn fn * @param {boolean} forceClone force clone * @returns {R[]} result for each level * @private */ _forEachLevelFilter(hookMap, cache, type, items, fn, forceClone) { const hooks = this._getAllLevelHooks(hookMap, cache, type); if (hooks.length === 0) return forceClone ? items.slice() : items; let i = 0; return items.filter((item, idx) => { for (const hook of hooks) { const r = fn(/** @type {H} */ (hook), item, idx, i); if (r !== undefined) { if (r) i++; return r; } } i++; return true; }); } /** * @param {string} type type * @param {FactoryData} data factory data * @param {Omit<StatsFactoryContext, "type">} baseContext context used as base * @returns {CreatedObject} created object */ create(type, data, baseContext) { if (this._inCreate) { return this._create(type, data, baseContext); } try { this._inCreate = true; return this._create(type, data, baseContext); } finally { for (const key of Object.keys(this._caches)) this._caches[/** @type {keyof StatsFactoryHooks} */ (key)].clear(); this._inCreate = false; } } /** * @param {string} type type * @param {FactoryData} data factory data * @param {Omit<StatsFactoryContext, "type">} baseContext context used as base * @returns {CreatedObject} created object * @private */ _create(type, data, baseContext) { const context = /** @type {StatsFactoryContext} */ ({ ...baseContext, type, [type]: data }); if (Array.isArray(data)) { // run filter on unsorted items const items = this._forEachLevelFilter( this.hooks.filter, this._caches.filter, type, data, (h, r, idx, i) => h.call(r, context, idx, i), true ); // sort items /** @type {Comparator[]} */ const comparators = []; this._forEachLevel(this.hooks.sort, this._caches.sort, type, h => h.call(comparators, context) ); if (comparators.length > 0) { items.sort( // @ts-expect-error number of arguments is correct concatComparators(...comparators, keepOriginalOrder(items)) ); } // run filter on sorted items const items2 = this._forEachLevelFilter( this.hooks.filterSorted, this._caches.filterSorted, type, items, (h, r, idx, i) => h.call(r, context, idx, i), false ); // for each item let resultItems = items2.map((item, i) => { /** @type {StatsFactoryContext} */ const itemContext = { ...context, _index: i }; // run getItemName const itemName = this._forEachLevel( this.hooks.getItemName, this._caches.getItemName, `${type}[]`, h => h.call(item, itemContext) ); if (itemName) itemContext[itemName] = item; const innerType = itemName ? `${type}[].${itemName}` : `${type}[]`; // run getItemFactory const itemFactory = this._forEachLevel( this.hooks.getItemFactory, this._caches.getItemFactory, innerType, h => h.call(item, itemContext) ) || this; // run item factory return itemFactory.create(innerType, item, itemContext); }); // sort result items /** @type {Comparator[]} */ const comparators2 = []; this._forEachLevel( this.hooks.sortResults, this._caches.sortResults, type, h => h.call(comparators2, context) ); if (comparators2.length > 0) { resultItems.sort( // @ts-expect-error number of arguments is correct concatComparators(...comparators2, keepOriginalOrder(resultItems)) ); } // group result items /** @type {GroupConfig[]} */ const groupConfigs = []; this._forEachLevel( this.hooks.groupResults, this._caches.groupResults, type, h => h.call(groupConfigs, context) ); if (groupConfigs.length > 0) { resultItems = smartGrouping(resultItems, groupConfigs); } // run filter on sorted result items const finalResultItems = this._forEachLevelFilter( this.hooks.filterResults, this._caches.filterResults, type, resultItems, (h, r, idx, i) => h.call(r, context, idx, i), false ); // run merge on mapped items let result = this._forEachLevel( this.hooks.merge, this._caches.merge, type, h => h.call(finalResultItems, context) ); if (result === undefined) result = finalResultItems; // run result on merged items return this._forEachLevelWaterfall( this.hooks.result, this._caches.result, type, result, (h, r) => h.call(r, context) ); } /** @type {ObjectForExtract} */ const object = {}; // run extract on value this._forEachLevel(this.hooks.extract, this._caches.extract, type, h => h.call(object, data, context) ); // run result on extracted object return this._forEachLevelWaterfall( this.hooks.result, this._caches.result, type, object, (h, r) => h.call(r, context) ); } } module.exports = StatsFactory;