/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const util = require("util"); /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").CacheOptionsNormalized} CacheOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryDescriptionNormalized} EntryDescriptionNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryStatic} EntryStatic */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryStaticNormalized} EntryStaticNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Externals} Externals */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryName} LibraryName */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryOptions} LibraryOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").ModuleOptionsNormalized} ModuleOptionsNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").OptimizationRuntimeChunk} OptimizationRuntimeChunk */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").OptimizationRuntimeChunkNormalized} OptimizationRuntimeChunkNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").OutputNormalized} OutputNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Plugins} Plugins */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptions} WebpackOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptionsNormalized} WebpackOptionsNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../Entrypoint")} Entrypoint */ const handledDeprecatedNoEmitOnErrors = util.deprecate( /** * @param {boolean} noEmitOnErrors no emit on errors * @param {boolean | undefined} emitOnErrors emit on errors * @returns {boolean} emit on errors */ (noEmitOnErrors, emitOnErrors) => { if (emitOnErrors !== undefined && !noEmitOnErrors === !emitOnErrors) { throw new Error( "Conflicting use of 'optimization.noEmitOnErrors' and 'optimization.emitOnErrors'. Remove deprecated 'optimization.noEmitOnErrors' from config." ); } return !noEmitOnErrors; }, "optimization.noEmitOnErrors is deprecated in favor of optimization.emitOnErrors", "DEP_WEBPACK_CONFIGURATION_OPTIMIZATION_NO_EMIT_ON_ERRORS" ); /** * @template T * @template R * @param {T|undefined} value value or not * @param {function(T): R} fn nested handler * @returns {R} result value */ const nestedConfig = (value, fn) => value === undefined ? fn(/** @type {T} */ ({})) : fn(value); /** * @template T * @param {T|undefined} value value or not * @returns {T} result value */ const cloneObject = value => /** @type {T} */ ({ ...value }); /** * @template T * @template R * @param {T|undefined} value value or not * @param {function(T): R} fn nested handler * @returns {R|undefined} result value */ const optionalNestedConfig = (value, fn) => value === undefined ? undefined : fn(value); /** * @template T * @template R * @param {T[]|undefined} value array or not * @param {function(T[]): R[]} fn nested handler * @returns {R[]|undefined} cloned value */ const nestedArray = (value, fn) => (Array.isArray(value) ? fn(value) : fn([])); /** * @template T * @template R * @param {T[]|undefined} value array or not * @param {function(T[]): R[]} fn nested handler * @returns {R[]|undefined} cloned value */ const optionalNestedArray = (value, fn) => Array.isArray(value) ? fn(value) : undefined; /** * @template T * @template R * @param {Record|undefined} value value or not * @param {function(T): R} fn nested handler * @param {Record=} customKeys custom nested handler for some keys * @returns {Record} result value */ const keyedNestedConfig = (value, fn, customKeys) => { /* eslint-disable no-sequences */ const result = value === undefined ? {} : Object.keys(value).reduce( (obj, key) => ( (obj[key] = ( customKeys && key in customKeys ? customKeys[key] : fn )(value[key])), obj ), /** @type {Record} */ ({}) ); /* eslint-enable no-sequences */ if (customKeys) { for (const key of Object.keys(customKeys)) { if (!(key in result)) { result[key] = customKeys[key](/** @type {T} */ ({})); } } } return result; }; /** * @param {WebpackOptions} config input config * @returns {WebpackOptionsNormalized} normalized options */ const getNormalizedWebpackOptions = config => ({ amd: config.amd, bail: config.bail, cache: /** @type {NonNullable} */ ( optionalNestedConfig(config.cache, cache => { if (cache === false) return false; if (cache === true) { return { type: "memory", maxGenerations: undefined }; } switch (cache.type) { case "filesystem": return { type: "filesystem", allowCollectingMemory: cache.allowCollectingMemory, maxMemoryGenerations: cache.maxMemoryGenerations, maxAge: cache.maxAge, profile: cache.profile, buildDependencies: cloneObject(cache.buildDependencies), cacheDirectory: cache.cacheDirectory, cacheLocation: cache.cacheLocation, hashAlgorithm: cache.hashAlgorithm, compression: cache.compression, idleTimeout: cache.idleTimeout, idleTimeoutForInitialStore: cache.idleTimeoutForInitialStore, idleTimeoutAfterLargeChanges: cache.idleTimeoutAfterLargeChanges, name: cache.name, store: cache.store, version: cache.version, readonly: cache.readonly }; case undefined: case "memory": return { type: "memory", maxGenerations: cache.maxGenerations }; default: // @ts-expect-error Property 'type' does not exist on type 'never'. ts(2339) throw new Error(`Not implemented cache.type ${cache.type}`); } }) ), context: config.context, dependencies: config.dependencies, devServer: optionalNestedConfig(config.devServer, devServer => { if (devServer === false) return false; return { ...devServer }; }), devtool: config.devtool, entry: config.entry === undefined ? { main: {} } : typeof config.entry === "function" ? ( fn => () => Promise.resolve().then(fn).then(getNormalizedEntryStatic) )(config.entry) : getNormalizedEntryStatic(config.entry), experiments: nestedConfig(config.experiments, experiments => ({ ...experiments, buildHttp: optionalNestedConfig(experiments.buildHttp, options => Array.isArray(options) ? { allowedUris: options } : options ), lazyCompilation: optionalNestedConfig( experiments.lazyCompilation, options => (options === true ? {} : options) ) })), externals: /** @type {NonNullable} */ (config.externals), externalsPresets: cloneObject(config.externalsPresets), externalsType: config.externalsType, ignoreWarnings: config.ignoreWarnings ? config.ignoreWarnings.map(ignore => { if (typeof ignore === "function") return ignore; const i = ignore instanceof RegExp ? { message: ignore } : ignore; return (warning, { requestShortener }) => { if (!i.message && !i.module && !i.file) return false; if (i.message && !i.message.test(warning.message)) { return false; } if ( i.module && (!warning.module || !i.module.test( warning.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) )) ) { return false; } if (i.file && (!warning.file || !i.file.test(warning.file))) { return false; } return true; }; }) : undefined, infrastructureLogging: cloneObject(config.infrastructureLogging), loader: cloneObject(config.loader), mode: config.mode, module: /** @type {ModuleOptionsNormalized} */ ( nestedConfig(config.module, module => ({ noParse: module.noParse, unsafeCache: module.unsafeCache, parser: keyedNestedConfig(module.parser, cloneObject, { javascript: parserOptions => ({ unknownContextRequest: module.unknownContextRequest, unknownContextRegExp: module.unknownContextRegExp, unknownContextRecursive: module.unknownContextRecursive, unknownContextCritical: module.unknownContextCritical, exprContextRequest: module.exprContextRequest, exprContextRegExp: module.exprContextRegExp, exprContextRecursive: module.exprContextRecursive, exprContextCritical: module.exprContextCritical, wrappedContextRegExp: module.wrappedContextRegExp, wrappedContextRecursive: module.wrappedContextRecursive, wrappedContextCritical: module.wrappedContextCritical, // TODO webpack 6 remove strictExportPresence: module.strictExportPresence, strictThisContextOnImports: module.strictThisContextOnImports, ...parserOptions }) }), generator: cloneObject(module.generator), defaultRules: optionalNestedArray(module.defaultRules, r => [...r]), rules: nestedArray(module.rules, r => [...r]) })) ), name: config.name, node: nestedConfig( config.node, node => node && { ...node } ), optimization: nestedConfig(config.optimization, optimization => ({ ...optimization, runtimeChunk: getNormalizedOptimizationRuntimeChunk( optimization.runtimeChunk ), splitChunks: nestedConfig( optimization.splitChunks, splitChunks => splitChunks && { ...splitChunks, defaultSizeTypes: splitChunks.defaultSizeTypes ? [...splitChunks.defaultSizeTypes] : ["..."], cacheGroups: cloneObject(splitChunks.cacheGroups) } ), emitOnErrors: optimization.noEmitOnErrors !== undefined ? handledDeprecatedNoEmitOnErrors( optimization.noEmitOnErrors, optimization.emitOnErrors ) : optimization.emitOnErrors })), output: nestedConfig(config.output, output => { const { library } = output; const libraryAsName = /** @type {LibraryName} */ (library); const libraryBase = typeof library === "object" && library && !Array.isArray(library) && "type" in library ? library : libraryAsName || output.libraryTarget ? /** @type {LibraryOptions} */ ({ name: libraryAsName }) : undefined; /** @type {OutputNormalized} */ const result = { assetModuleFilename: output.assetModuleFilename, asyncChunks: output.asyncChunks, charset: output.charset, chunkFilename: output.chunkFilename, chunkFormat: output.chunkFormat, chunkLoading: output.chunkLoading, chunkLoadingGlobal: output.chunkLoadingGlobal, chunkLoadTimeout: output.chunkLoadTimeout, cssFilename: output.cssFilename, cssChunkFilename: output.cssChunkFilename, clean: output.clean, compareBeforeEmit: output.compareBeforeEmit, crossOriginLoading: output.crossOriginLoading, devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate: output.devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate, devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate, devtoolNamespace: output.devtoolNamespace, environment: cloneObject(output.environment), enabledChunkLoadingTypes: output.enabledChunkLoadingTypes ? [...output.enabledChunkLoadingTypes] : ["..."], enabledLibraryTypes: output.enabledLibraryTypes ? [...output.enabledLibraryTypes] : ["..."], enabledWasmLoadingTypes: output.enabledWasmLoadingTypes ? [...output.enabledWasmLoadingTypes] : ["..."], filename: output.filename, globalObject: output.globalObject, hashDigest: output.hashDigest, hashDigestLength: output.hashDigestLength, hashFunction: output.hashFunction, hashSalt: output.hashSalt, hotUpdateChunkFilename: output.hotUpdateChunkFilename, hotUpdateGlobal: output.hotUpdateGlobal, hotUpdateMainFilename: output.hotUpdateMainFilename, ignoreBrowserWarnings: output.ignoreBrowserWarnings, iife: output.iife, importFunctionName: output.importFunctionName, importMetaName: output.importMetaName, scriptType: output.scriptType, library: libraryBase && { type: output.libraryTarget !== undefined ? output.libraryTarget : libraryBase.type, auxiliaryComment: output.auxiliaryComment !== undefined ? output.auxiliaryComment : libraryBase.auxiliaryComment, amdContainer: output.amdContainer !== undefined ? output.amdContainer : libraryBase.amdContainer, export: output.libraryExport !== undefined ? output.libraryExport : libraryBase.export, name: libraryBase.name, umdNamedDefine: output.umdNamedDefine !== undefined ? output.umdNamedDefine : libraryBase.umdNamedDefine }, module: output.module, path: output.path, pathinfo: output.pathinfo, publicPath: output.publicPath, sourceMapFilename: output.sourceMapFilename, sourcePrefix: output.sourcePrefix, strictModuleErrorHandling: output.strictModuleErrorHandling, strictModuleExceptionHandling: output.strictModuleExceptionHandling, trustedTypes: optionalNestedConfig(output.trustedTypes, trustedTypes => { if (trustedTypes === true) return {}; if (typeof trustedTypes === "string") return { policyName: trustedTypes }; return { ...trustedTypes }; }), uniqueName: output.uniqueName, wasmLoading: output.wasmLoading, webassemblyModuleFilename: output.webassemblyModuleFilename, workerPublicPath: output.workerPublicPath, workerChunkLoading: output.workerChunkLoading, workerWasmLoading: output.workerWasmLoading }; return result; }), parallelism: config.parallelism, performance: optionalNestedConfig(config.performance, performance => { if (performance === false) return false; return { ...performance }; }), plugins: /** @type {Plugins} */ (nestedArray(config.plugins, p => [...p])), profile: config.profile, recordsInputPath: config.recordsInputPath !== undefined ? config.recordsInputPath : config.recordsPath, recordsOutputPath: config.recordsOutputPath !== undefined ? config.recordsOutputPath : config.recordsPath, resolve: nestedConfig(config.resolve, resolve => ({ ...resolve, byDependency: keyedNestedConfig(resolve.byDependency, cloneObject) })), resolveLoader: cloneObject(config.resolveLoader), snapshot: nestedConfig(config.snapshot, snapshot => ({ resolveBuildDependencies: optionalNestedConfig( snapshot.resolveBuildDependencies, resolveBuildDependencies => ({ timestamp: resolveBuildDependencies.timestamp, hash: resolveBuildDependencies.hash }) ), buildDependencies: optionalNestedConfig( snapshot.buildDependencies, buildDependencies => ({ timestamp: buildDependencies.timestamp, hash: buildDependencies.hash }) ), resolve: optionalNestedConfig(snapshot.resolve, resolve => ({ timestamp: resolve.timestamp, hash: resolve.hash })), module: optionalNestedConfig(snapshot.module, module => ({ timestamp: module.timestamp, hash: module.hash })), immutablePaths: optionalNestedArray(snapshot.immutablePaths, p => [...p]), managedPaths: optionalNestedArray(snapshot.managedPaths, p => [...p]), unmanagedPaths: optionalNestedArray(snapshot.unmanagedPaths, p => [...p]) })), stats: nestedConfig(config.stats, stats => { if (stats === false) { return { preset: "none" }; } if (stats === true) { return { preset: "normal" }; } if (typeof stats === "string") { return { preset: stats }; } return { ...stats }; }), target: config.target, watch: config.watch, watchOptions: cloneObject(config.watchOptions) }); /** * @param {EntryStatic} entry static entry options * @returns {EntryStaticNormalized} normalized static entry options */ const getNormalizedEntryStatic = entry => { if (typeof entry === "string") { return { main: { import: [entry] } }; } if (Array.isArray(entry)) { return { main: { import: entry } }; } /** @type {EntryStaticNormalized} */ const result = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(entry)) { const value = entry[key]; if (typeof value === "string") { result[key] = { import: [value] }; } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { result[key] = { import: value }; } else { result[key] = { import: /** @type {EntryDescriptionNormalized["import"]} */ ( value.import && (Array.isArray(value.import) ? value.import : [value.import]) ), filename: value.filename, layer: value.layer, runtime: value.runtime, baseUri: value.baseUri, publicPath: value.publicPath, chunkLoading: value.chunkLoading, asyncChunks: value.asyncChunks, wasmLoading: value.wasmLoading, dependOn: /** @type {EntryDescriptionNormalized["dependOn"]} */ ( value.dependOn && (Array.isArray(value.dependOn) ? value.dependOn : [value.dependOn]) ), library: value.library }; } } return result; }; /** * @param {OptimizationRuntimeChunk=} runtimeChunk runtimeChunk option * @returns {OptimizationRuntimeChunkNormalized=} normalized runtimeChunk option */ const getNormalizedOptimizationRuntimeChunk = runtimeChunk => { if (runtimeChunk === undefined) return; if (runtimeChunk === false) return false; if (runtimeChunk === "single") { return { name: () => "runtime" }; } if (runtimeChunk === true || runtimeChunk === "multiple") { return { /** * @param {Entrypoint} entrypoint entrypoint * @returns {string} runtime chunk name */ name: entrypoint => `runtime~${entrypoint.name}` }; } const { name } = runtimeChunk; return { name: typeof name === "function" ? name : () => name }; }; module.exports.getNormalizedWebpackOptions = getNormalizedWebpackOptions;